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  • How do I set up a wholesale account to sell these wonderful products in my store?
    Email us at, we'll email you back a few easy questions and go from there. Thanks
  • I can't get this web thing to work, but need honey, what do I do?"
    Stay calm, we got you covered. Give us a call at (828)735-2300 or email us at and we'll get you taken care of.
  • A jar of honey broke during shipping and everythings sticky! What do I do?
    First, don't panic. Second, we're sorry for the mess. Third, take a picture or two or three and email them to us with your order #. All packages leave us insured and we'll get replacements in the mail right away.
  • Where can I get your items near me?
    Well, that sort of depends on where you are. See our contact page for an up-to-date listing of businesses that carry our products. If there's not one in your area you have two options. #1 order online at this site. #2 if you know a business in your area that you think our products would fit well at, let them know to contact us about setting up a wholesale account. It's easy and they already have a customer.
  • How are my items shipped and how soon will they arrive?
    We ship most all packages USPS and work our best to get them out as quickly as possible, usually within 3 days. We also update paypal with tracking info to keep you informed.
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